• Need to make my work more contemporary
  • Currently stuck in the 1950’s – funny given that the topic I am currently exploring is a very contemporary topic
  • Think about how I can escape the ‘boring bubble’ of repetition, and lack of development.
  • This year needs be exciting, motivating and really stretch my own boundaries
  • Take risks – even if the result is bad, take the risk, it’s important to improve and reflect upon these.
  • Use term one as a term of exploration, make sure to record and explore as much as possible, critical reflections are super important too
  • Contemporary artists only if possible – get out of the 1950’s!!!


  • Explore the materials that drive my ideas further – make the studio a fun place to work
  • I get lost in trying to produce perfection – avoid this! Experiments and mistakes, or pieces not turning out quite how I originally planned or good!
  • Make the studio a more inspiration place, create a corner to explore materials, especially recycling, record photographs and video recordings.
  • Think about that impact, using these materials have on myself. What physical and emotional responses can I obtain from interacting with the materials.


  • Don’t stop for anyone – there are no boundaries so push as far as you can. Take risks, just as both Pip and Emma have stated.
  • Think about the very root of my original idea, what was that and why have I lost focus on that
  • Draw yourself back to the original idea
  • Cover the studio walls with newspaper articles, make yourself provoke ideas, and emotions. How do the articles make you feel? What emotions do they provoke and what ideas can I stem from this.


  • Good progression
  • Seem to be confident in my ideas
  • Really like the mix of ideas combining together
  • Keep pushing the boundaries, still be confident enough to take risks.
  • Make sure the reflections or strong to show the journey and why I have done what I have done – atm without strong engagement and reflection the work could look lost in terms of what I am really focused on.
  • ALSO – got the risk assessment form signed off, so I can go ahead with interviewing people for my topic.


  • Really pleased with the progression
  • Likes that I am taking on board everything each tutor has said and given it a go, to explore the outcome and see if it would be a valuable addition to my work.
  • Spoke about how the tutors offer different advice, ideas and guidance and how I can maturely handle a wide range of different and perhaps conflicting notions.
  • Continue reflecting. It’s really important that I show why I have done something, whether it is good or not and how I can improve and WHY!
  • The line work I am exploring seems really strong and with goos intention so continue with that.
  • Interested to see how all the compositional elements come together


  • Likes where it is going
  • Strong line work
  • Need to think about how the ideas all connect together better
  • Be more experimental with materials
  • Create texture with the new mediums – perhaps some paste that can mix with the dyes.
  • Starting to take some interesting risks and decisions but could push it further.
  • Make sure the lines are as bold on the finished piece as they are in the original sketches.
  • The background in the paintings could be made darker to really enhance what I am trying to say.
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